Centering float left

Centering float left typisch für die Menü-Website verwendet, wenn du deine Website-Menü float:left zentrieren möchte, du kannst dieses Skript verwenden

1. CSS


Unser Unternehmen

Albrecht Immobilien ist ein junges Unternehmen in der Immobilienbranche, gegründet von Immobilienkauffrau (IHK) Stephanie Albrecht.

Neben unserem Kooperationspartner für Immobilien arbeiten wir in den Bereichen Finanzierung, Energieberatung und Hausverwaltung mit namhaften Spezialisten zusammen.
Zögern Sie nicht, uns bei allen Anliegen und Fragen rund um das Thema Immobilien zu kontaktieren. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Rückmeldung!

CSS3 text-shadow

The text-shadow property has already been introduced in CSS 2.0. However, this CSS property is implemented by a browser. In CSS 2.1, the text shadow property from CSS3 and only reinstated in power. Then began some browsers with the implementation of the text-shadow.

The browser implementation of the text shadow property has not, unfortunately, as hoped, adopted by all browsers.

Browser compatibility

Google Talk down for majority of users

Today i have tried to connect iMessage to google talk, but iMessage is still not connecting to Google Talk, and I dont think that Google need more than a day to fix that problem. Any other suggestions? I am 100% sure that my ID and password are correct but iMessage keeps on asking me over and over again that those information will be wrong.

Some users can connect but cannot send messages, while others can’t access their contact lists or send messages completely. Google is aware of the problem that is causing Google Talk to be down for most people. Google updated the downtime status twice on the Apps dashboard over the past hour and change.

We’re aware of a problem with Google Talk affecting a majority of users. The affected users are able to access Google Talk, but are seeing error messages and/or other unexpected behavior. We will provide an update by 7/26/12 12:50 PM detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change.

Google has said that the service has been restored for some users, and is hoping to fix it for all users in the near future:

Google Talk service has already been restored for some users, and we expect a resolution for all users in the near future. Please note this time frame is an estimate and may change.

Bandara Soekarno Hatta yang indah Bandara Soekarno Hatta yang menakutkan

Sebagai warga Negara Indonesia kita pasti tahu Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Bandara yang katanya Bandara International, tapi hanya namanya lhoo... Ndak semua tahu isi Bandara yang katanya International itu justru mencekik warga Negara Indonesia sendiri, mencekik para pahlawan Devisa Negara atau Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Banyak sekali penjahat-penjahat berpakaian rapi di sana yang kelakuannya melebihi kelakuan Binatang, kelakuan pemerasan terhadap para Tenaga Kerja Indonesia.

Kenapa masih ada binatang-binatang itu di sana, katanya sudah mau di tindak tegas, tapi nyatanya masih ada, dari Kompasiana saya membaca pengalaman seseorang yang pulang dari Dubai, dan sampai di Bandara Soekarno Hatta tas-nya di curi maling-maling Bandara, dan parahnya kejadian itu terjadi saat bulan Puasa... Apakah iblis Bandara Soekarno Hatta itu ndak di belenggu ya? Dasar Iblis!