


  • Biskuitteig:
  1. 300 Gramm Mehl
  2. 1 Päckchen Backpulvar
  3. 50 Gramm Margarine
  4. 250 Gramm Zucker
  5. 2 Eigelb
  6. 200 Milliliter Milch

Alle Zutaten mixen, das Eiweiß steif schlagen und danach unter den Teig rühren. Den Teig in einen mit Margarine eingefettetes Backblech geben und bei 180 Grad ca. 20 Minuten auf der mittleren Schiene im vorgeheizten Backofen backen.

Google URL crawlen

Google has always had an “Add URL” form available for anyone to request that a URL be added to the index. Historically, this form was intended for searchers who noticed that a particular page seemed to be missing.

As you might imagine, this scenario happened less often over time, and Google likely doesn’t weight these requests as heavily as they do other signals for crawling.

With this latest launch, the Add URL form has been renamed Crawl URL, you have to log in to it with a Google Account, and while you can add any URL (not just those on a site you’ve verified you own), you can submit only up to 50 URLs a week.

Google URL crawlen: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url

Google blog search ping service

Google has recently announced that the Google Blog Search Pinging Service is now accepting pings from blogs. So, if you want to ensure your latest posts appear in Google’s Blog Search you will want to ping them everytime you make a new post.

There are two ways you can do this.

Manual Ping
    The manual method of pinging Google is to simply go to http://blogsearch.google.com/ping and enter your blogs URL everytime your blog is updated. This is the straight forward method but many will prefer the Automatic Ping method listed below.

    Automatic Ping
      If you want WordPress to automatically ping Google everytime you update your blog, then you will need to add http://blogsearch.google.com/ping/RPC2 to your Update Services box in your WordPress admin area. This is found in the options/writing section of the admin area and by default Pingomatic (http://rpc.pingomatic.com) will already be in the text box.

      While Pingomatic already pings a number of services for you, by adding Google’s ping url to the Update Services list you are sure to increase your blogs exposure on the net. For more information on ping lists and a comprehensive list of update services see the WordPress Compressed All Inclusive Ping List.

      Jennifer Rostock - Der Kapitän

      Dengan video yang berisi tema dengan party-party, boat, dengan kostum seperti seorang kapitän ini sangatlah menarik.
      Dengan vocal yang sangat cepat dan menakjubkan.

      Amy Winehouse - You know im no good

      Too sad Amy Winehouse have to leave us all so fast, this wonderfull singer died when age 27.

      Her last concert in Belgrade - Serbia, you could say so devastated, because the influence of drink, which caused Amy could no longer sing.

      Many spectators who feel disappointed in Amy's appearance that night.

      RIP Amy Winehouse, we'll miss you...!!!!!!