Official wiyono blog

Group band terbaik di Indonesia

Dewa 19

Current menü in Laravel 4

Öffnen die routers.php und diesen Ausschnitt einfügen
HTML::macro('menue_link', function($route, $text) {
if( Request::path() == $route ) {
$aktive = "class = 'aktive'";
else {
$aktive = '';

return '
<li ' . $aktive . '>' . link_to($route, $text) . '</li>

Deine blade template für Navigationsmenü sollte wie folgt sein:

{{ HTML::menue_link("/", 'Home' ) }}
{{ HTML::menue_link("blog", 'Blog' ) }}

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

Sometimes it is the Gecko engine (Firefox) that misbehaves. What would be best way to target only Firefox with your CSS rules and not a single other browser? That is, not only should Internet Explorer ignore the Firefox-only rules, but also WebKit and Opera should.

1. Target all versions of Firefox

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
.content {

2. Target versions of Firefox 3

html>/**/body .content, x:-moz-any-link, x:default {

3. Target versions of Firefox 2

html>/**/body .content, x:-moz-any-link {

Create simple contact form in Laravel 4

1. Go to
Change ‘drive’ from ‘smtp’ to ‘mail’
'driver' => 'mail',
Next, make ‘host’ name from ‘’ to nothing, so make it blank.
'host' => '',

CSS Compressor

CSS Compressor