Recaptcha input error: invalid referer

Recaptcha is the plugin which we can use in our application to generate a captcha. The recaptcha settings can be done in our system and can be used using the localhost.

But, when we tried to host the same application to any server with the same pair of keys, it will not generate an error but, it will display like "input error - invalid referer" instead of captcha in our form.

Create PHP captcha, image validation

If you want to protect your contact form, your whois query tool or just a form where some extra validation is needed.

A session will be created inside a dynamic image file (requires GD library). The random value of this image appears inside the generated CAPTCHA image. The user has to enter this value into a form field. While processing the form, the entered value get checked against the session value. Without entering the correct string a form will not be processed. This mechanism is very useful to protect your form again (spam) bots.

1. Create a captcha.php

Thomas Geist - Kostenreduzierung und Umsatzsteigerung

Thomas Geist - Kostenreduzierung und Umsatzsteigerung

Wir Unternehmer haben alle die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt. Immer höhere Kostenstrukturen bringen uns ins Handeln. Energie, Material, Lohnnebenkosten, die verschiedenen Steuerarten, Wareneinkauf, Werbung/Marketing usw.

Die Umsätze steigen, oder auch nicht……….

Create Custom Share Buttons for website

If you like to create your own share button on your website, you can use this script....
Hope this usefull for you...

